The Miniature American Shepherd Club of the USA, Inc. (MASCUSA) is the American Kennel Club Parent Club for the Miniature American Shepherd. MASCUSA ended their registry services in 2016. MASCSUA entered into a contract with Stock Dog Registry Services to continue the registry services that had previously been provided by the club. Stock Dog Registry Services is the only registry selected by MASCUSA through which dogs can be registered with AKC. Please see below for the closing of the studbooks. |
Stock Dog Registry Services was founded in 2016 to provide a pedigree verification process for dogs entering the American Kennel Club as Miniature American Shepherds (MAS) as well as registering litters for offspring of various crosses that wish to enter AKC. |
Important upcoming dates for the closing of the studbooksThe AKC Miniature American Shepherd stud book will be closing officially on January 1, 2025. The date to submit dogs for AKC registration is November 15, 2024. Please see Individual Registrations below for details. The studbook closing does not affect any AKC to AKC Miniature American Shepherd litters. They are still registered through AKC. LittersLitter registrations by SDRS have closed. Anyone who has puppy papers issued by SDRS must submit them to SDRS by December 15, 2026 or the puppy paper will become void. Breeders, please make sure your puppy owners are aware of this date. Individual RegistrationsThis is for dogs from our current accepted registries. Individual dogs registered with approved registries whose owners want to register their dogs with AKC must submit to SDRS the Application for Enrollment as a Miniature American Shepherds into the AKC along with copies of registration certificates, which must be postmarked or emailed by November 15, 2024. If you have any questions, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. |
Consider joining MASCUSA, the AKC National Parent Club for the Miniature American Shepherd. Membership benefits include a weekly e-newsletter, advertising privileges, and participation in the club awards program. For information visit Miniature American Shepherd Club of the USA, Inc. |